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Lisbon 7 Hills Premium 
Almost 360º overview
3h30 (210')  €200

After all, how many hills does Lisbon have? Between myth and uncertainty, the reality is that this topic is an excellent pretext to choose this tour. The guiding thread of this route is the city's hills, viewpoints, its historic neighborhoods, and its squares. It was designed to offer an immersion into the different urban, human, and social landscapes of the capital's center, covering various historical periods, different scenarios, and daily habits, discovering cultural roots among the waves of modernization. The route encompasses Medieval Lisbon and the Pombaline Downtown (the new urban design resulting from the reconstruction of the city after the earthquake of 1755), the elegant and cosmopolitan Chiado, the bohemian quarter Bairro Alto, the aristocratic and trendy Príncipe Real, until reaching the noble and bourgeois areas of Estrela and Lapa. It is undoubtedly the best option to understand why Lisboetas are passionate about their city.

 Lisbon  Viewpoints
2h (120') €150  

Experiencing the heartbeat of the historic center of the capital through a stroll along its viewpoints is truly an unexpected, dynamic and astonishing experience, as well as a unique opportunity to discover some of the inspiring sources of Lisboeta's songs and poetry. It's also a comfortable way to capture an 'instamatic' view of the city. Each viewpoint reveals, in its own way, a different perspective of Lisbon, offering a variety of opportunities to appreciate the city, feel its light, and choose your favorite panoramas. This itinerary provides an insider's view of the locals' favorite places to socialize, admire the sunrise and sunset, and enjoy moments of contemplation.



Tourism License Portugal:
RNAAT 2120/2018

Day off:

Visit to the Monuments not included
in the base Tour.

Up to 3 persons if slim.

09:00 AM to 9:00 PM
(summer schedule)

Stops at key locations

Wear a hat and sunscreen
in the summer.

A raincoat in the winter.

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